Internals of build.lua

As described in Build Systems a la Carte, a build system is basically a program that takes a key-value store with possibly out-of-date values and sets a desired key to it’s up-to-date value, given a set of recipes that can update any key. The architecture of build.lua is extremely similar to that of the Haskell program described on the paper, consisting of the store, the scheduler (who decides how to update the keys given their dependencies) and the rebuilder (who decides whenever to rebuild or not a given key). Each recipe is instead called a task and the set of recipes is instead a tasks function that returns the task for a given key.

Specifically, the tasks function has the form:

function tasks(key)
    return task

And each task function the form:

function task(fetch)
    return new_value

Where fetch is a function that can be called like local value = fetch(another_key) and returns the up-to-date value of said key, possibly rebuilding it.

Functors and structures

For maximum flexibility, most modules in this library use a functor pattern that I copied from the Standard ML. In this pattern, a Lua module does not return a table with it’s functions and variables as normal, but instead returns a function. This function takes several structures or functors1 as parameters and then it returns your average Lua table with functions and data.

A functor that has been applied is called a structure. While by definition all normal Lua modules count as structures, I will only call structures those who additionally follow the same API restrictions as functor-created structures.

All the APIs used by functors and structures have the same form for most of their operations:

Structure.operation(structure_instance, ...)

Let’s go through an example:

-- printer.lua -- A functor
return function(Terminal)
    local M = {}

    function M.create(terminal)
        return { my_terminal = terminal }
    function M:print(message)
        Terminal.write(self.my_terminal, message)
        Terminal.write(self.my_terminal, "\n")

    return M

-- terminal.lua -- A structure
local M = {}

    return { handle = io.stdout }

function M:write(text)

return M

To use these modules together, we would do:

local Terminal = require "terminal"
local PRINTER = require "printer"
local Printer = PRINTER(Terminal)

local term =
local printer = Printer.create(term)
Printer.print(printer, "hello world")

As a convention, structures are named in Camel Case when imported, while functors in UPPER CASE. Naming functors is almost never necessary as you can always do require "printer" (Terminal).

When properly executed, a good functor has almost no requires: all of them have been lifted to parameters of the functor. This basically is dependency injection. See also Dependency Injection (Wikipedia) and the NewSpeak programming language.

File Systems

Module: build.file-systems.

Right now only the build.file-systems.posix module exists. It is a structure (not a functor) with the following interface:

local Posix_File_System = require "build.file-systems.posix"
local fs =
Posix_File_System.change_current_directory(fs, path)
local cwd = Posix_File_System.get_current_directory(fs)
local is_a_term = Posix_File_System.is_a_terminal(fs, handle_or_fileno)
local right_now = Posix_File_System.current_time(fs)
local stat_st = Posix_File_System.get_stats(fs, path)
local mtime = Posix_File_System.get_mtime(fs, path)
local res = Posix_File_System.run_wait(fs, program, args, config)

The global() function returns an instance of the file system. As this module uses luaposix there is no such thing as multiple “file systems” and you can only use the global one.

Why even bother with making the file system swappable like this? Well, for one, not all POSIX file systems are “global” and always available. Imagine for example that you want to run this over WebAssembly which uses a capability-based model. Then you could write your own Posix_File_System that has a different constructor than global() but has all the same functions.

Second, by explicitly documenting which parts of build.lua assume a POSIX file system and which don’t, I make it easier for you to know which parts need porting if you want to take advantage of a different, incompatible file system.

The next functions are all simple: change_current_directory() does what its name says (it’s basically a Lua version of cd), get_current_directory() is similar, being a Lua version of pwd, is_a_terminal() returns true or false depending on the handle or fileno is a tty (see isatty(3)), current_time() returns the current time in seconds since the epoch. get_stats() gets the stat structure of a path. It must return a table like the one used by luaposix.

get_mtime() is a subset of get_stats(): it only returns the st_mtime field.

run_wait() is the most complex of all: it runs and waits for a program to execute, possibly capturing its stdout: It can be called like this: local exit_code = Posix_File_System.run_wait(fs, program, args) where program is a string with the program name (to be searched on the PATH) and args a sequential table (array) with the arguments to pass. It must return the exit code of the program.

But it can also be called like this: local result = Posix_File_System.run_wait(fs, program, args, { capture_stdout = true }). When this is done the result is no longer a number but instead a table with the fields exit_code and stdout. exit_code is the same than before and stdout is a string with all of the standard output of the subprocess.


Module: build.stores.


-- For a given `Store` and `store` instance
Store.put(store, key, value)
local value = Store.get(store, key)
local value, found = Store.try_get(store, key)

The store must be able to store and retrieve nils, and distinguish a nil valued key from a non-existing one.

Available stores:


Module build.schedulers. Importing build.schedulers is the same as importing all of it’s submodules.


-- For a given `Scheduler`
local build_function = Scheduler.create(rebuilder)
-- Where `build_function` has the form:
-- function build_function(tasks, key, store) -> up_to_date_value_of_key

Available schedulers:


Module build.rebuilders. Importing build.rebuilders is the same as importing all of it’s submodules.


-- For a given `rebuilder` instance
local caching_fetch = rebuilder(key, value, task)(fetch)
-- Where `caching_fetch` has the form:
-- function caching_fetch(key) -> up_to_date_value_of_key

Available rebuilders:


Module build.traces. Importing build.traces is the same as importing all of it’s submodules.


Module build.traces.verifying. Importing build.traces.verifying is the same as importing all of it’s submodules.

Implements a verifying-trace store. These stores associate each key with a verifying-trace which consists of a hash of it’s value and it’s dependecies. This way, when the hash changes you know the key is out-of-date.

You can implement your own verifying-traces store that uses it’s own hashing method that doesn’t conform to the hashers interface used by this module. This way if the hasher interface is too strict for your requirements you are not left without option. Nonetheless I don’t expect this to be a very common case and I think most people will want to use build.traces.verifying.hash most of the time.


-- For a given `VT` (Verifying-Traces store) and `vt` instance
local hash = VT.hash(vt, key, value)
VT.record(vt, key, value_hash, dependencies_hashed)
local is_up_to_date = VT.verify(vt, key, value_hash, get_dependency_hash)
-- Where `get_dependency_hash` is a function of the form:
-- function get_dependency_hash(key) -> hash

Verifying-traces stores only need to handle their own hash type.


Module build.hashers. Importing build.hashers is the same as importing all of it’s submodules.

The hashers are used by the hashing verifying-traces store to determine whenever or not to rebuild a key. Hashes are composable and they conform to the very simple interface of:

-- For a given `Hasher` and `hasher` instance.
local hash = Hasher.hash(hasher, key, value)
local is_dirty = Hasher.hash_dirty(hasher, old_hash, new_hash)

Available hashers are:

  1. Thankfully we don’t need to worry about the typechecking issues of higher-order functors, as Lua is dynamically typed.↩︎