build.make – The make-like clone of build.lua

The build.lua library comes with a clone of the classic make program called build.make. This program implements a make-like DSL that is mostly compatible with a subset of GNU Make.

Basic usage

The basic usage is the same than make: just run build.make in a directory that has a Makefile, makefile, BUILDmakefile or BuildMakefile file and it will automatically build your program.

For example: imagine the following Makefile:

a.o: a.c
    cc -c a.c -o a.o

b.o: b.c
    cc -c b.c -o b.o

exe: a.o b.o
    cc a.o b.o -o exe

And the following files:

// a.c

extern void foo(int);

int main()

// b.c
#include <stdio.h>

void foo(int x)
    printf(">%d\n", x);

Then running build.make exe will perform the necessary actions to get the file exe up to date. Try modifying only one of a.c or b.c and see how it only builds the modified files.

And so, the simplest usages of build.make are:


build.make will try to read any of the following files (in the given order):

The BUILDmakefile and BuildMakefile are meant to be used only when your makefile is making use of build.make-specific features. Unlike the relationship between GNU Make and other makes (see FreeBSD’s make, POSIX make, SVR4 make, etc), build.make does not attempt to replicate the standards make language, but instead only take it as a widely-known base in which to build upon. Features which would be too difficult to implement in it’s current architecture or “features” which are extremely difficult to use are left unimplemented.

The syntax implemented from make consists of the following:


Any unquoted # will start a comment that lasts until the end of the line. If the line ends with an odd number of backslashes \ then the comment is extended to the next line and so on.


Extending the previous syntax, any line can end with a backslash \ and it will be continued into the next. For example, the two programs are equivalent:

executable: main.c math.c \
graphics.c physics.c serde.c
    cc -o $@ $^
executable: main.c math.c graphics.c physics.c serde.c
    cc -o $@ $^

You can escape \ with other \. There must be whitespace before a \ that escapes a newline. So, for example, \\ is a literal \ and hola\ does not continue into the next line. Note that, when not preceded by whitespace, \ has a escaping behaviour. For example, \\ is a literal \, while \# is a literal #. You can escape any of the characters \, #, :, = and | which backslashes. An alternative to backslashes is to put them between quotes (\# and "#" are the same literal).

Note: None of the previous paragraph applies to comments, which only check if they end in an odd number of backslashes regardless for whenever they are preceded by whitespace or not.

Finally, line continuations cannot appear inside string literals.


Any of the following forms:

VAR = ...
VAR := ...
VAR ::= ...
VAR ?= ...

Will declare a variable VAR with a value of ..., where ... can be any number of “words” (defined below). Variables can be named almost anything, except names containing whitespace and/or the characters :, =, (, ), [, ], {, } or #.

These have the same behaviour than their counterparts in GNU Make. Specifically:

After defining a variable you can refer to it with the syntax $(VAR). If the name of the variable is a single character then you can also use $VAR. For example, $(CC) refers to the variable CC while $< refers to the variable <. To escape a $ both inside and outside a recipe use $$.


A rule indicates when to build a target (that is, a file that you want to build automatically). Rules look like this:


Where TARGET is a “word” and DEPENDENCIES are zero or more “words”. What this rule means is that TARGET should be rebuilt when any of the DEPENDENCIES changes. For example: the rule a.o: a.c from the previous example says that a.o will be rebuilt once a.c changes; the rule a.o b.o c.o says that the file will be rebuilt if any of a.o, b.c or c.o changes and finally the rule example.txt: says that example.txt will be rebuilt when possible (as it has no dependencies it is considered permanently “out-of-date”/“to-be-rebuilt”).

If TARGET contains an unescaped % then it is said that this is a pattern rule. Each unescaped % on the dependencies will be replaced by what the % matched on the target. This % acts kind of like a shell glob or a SQL LIKE clause. Unlike a glob, it can match any character. For example, the next rule tells how to build any file in the directory build/ that starts with lib and ends with .so by running the C compiler on an equally named (but without the extension nor the lib at the beginning) file on the src/libs/ directory:

build/ src/libs/%.c
    cc -shared -o $@ $<

What this rule does is to match an output like build/, gets the part matched by the % (foo) and replaces it into any dependency to get src/libs/foo.c.


Recipes indicate how a target will be rebuilt. All lines after a rule that start with at least one space or tab are considered it’s recipe.

NOTE: Unlike other makes out there, spaces can be used instead of tabs as indentation.

For example: main.lua
    zip main.lua

    cat `whereis love` > game
    chmod +x game

The indented lines after the rules are the recipes, indicating that to rebuild one must run zip main.lua and to rebuild game one must run catwhereis > game and chmod +x game.

For each line of the recipe build.make will invoke the sh(1) shell with said line. If any of the commands exists with a non-zero exit code then the whole recipe is cancelled. For example, when running the game recipe it will first run the equivalent of:

sh -c 'cat `whereis love` > game' && sh -c 'chmod +x game'

Because each line has it’s own subshell, this means that shell variables from one line will not be visible on the next.

You can change the shell being used with the special .SHELL rule:

.SHELL: python3 -c   # I prefer python...

    import datetime; print(

The first dependency of the .SHELL rule will be treated as the program to run, while all remamining ones will be used as additional arguments.

Recipe auto-escaping

One critical difference between build.make and other makes is that build.make will automatically escape variable references in recipes. For example:

FILES = *.c

    echo $(FILES)

When building example, the echo will actually print *.c rather than all the files that end in .c. This is because other makes work more like a macro templating system while build.make will escape the variables when interpolating using the shell-quote(1p) program.


The autoescaping feature requires me to specify where and how does build.make insert spaces between a variable’s elements. It does this by separating a variable in words. Each word is escaped as a separate shell argument. Like the the sh(1) language, you can concatenate several forms in a single word by leaving no whitespace between them. You can use double-quoted strings, bare words, make escapes ($$ to escape a $) and backslash escapes. For example, hola" "mundo que$$"("TAL")" contains 2 words, hola mundo and que$(TAL).

All of this happens syntactically. This means that build.make works closer to a common programming language like Python or Lua than it does with text templating engines like other makes or GNU M4.

Some examples: in the following snippet, the variable FILES contains 3 elements with the values a, b c and d:

FILES = a "b c" d

The next example declares a variable with six elements:

C_SRCS = a.c b.c c.c
LUA_SRCS = a.lua b.lua c.lua

As a demonstration that this is not text replacement, the following variable, which contains special syntax for sh(1), will nonetheless be escaped correctly:



Will error out with a HOLA=mundo: not found error, indicating that the HOLA=mundo was processed as a command and not an assigment.

If you use a variable with multiple values inside a word, the cartesian product of the variable values and the parts after and before it will be produced. For example:

A = 1 2 3
B = a b c
C = $(A)
D = $(A) $(B)
E = $(A)$(B)
F = file.$(A).txt
G = data.$(B).txt z$(A).zip

The variables A and B have 3 elements each. So does C, which has A’s elements. D has the values 1 2 3 a b c. Because E’s definition used multi-values variables in the same word, such word gets expanded with the cartesian product to get the values 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c. Same with F, which gets file.1.txt file.2.txt file.3.txt. A similar process happens for the 2 words of G for a total of 9 elements.

This only happens outside of recipes, as build.make cannot know the syntax of the shell in use.

As a practical example of this, the following makefile will create 2 rules, in which depends on all the source files with a .txt extension and depends on all the source files with a .lua extension:

FILES = main utils fs buffer panels io
SRCS = $(FILES).lua
DOCS = $(FILES).txt $(DOCS)
    zip $@ $^

%.txt: %.lua
    ... # Generate documentation from a lua file $(SRCS)
    zip $@ $^

Special variables

The following variables are special: they are automatically defined before executing each recipe.

Phony targets

The special .PHONY rule marks several other rules are “phony”: they are always considered out of date even if a suitable file exists. For example:

.PHONY: all test run



Will always run the all, test and run targets even if up to date all, test and run files already exist.

Command line usage

See build.make -h for a listing of all command line options and what they do.