- Special meaning of keys?
- No, they are passed as-is to the combined hashers.
A combined hasher. Accepts several hashers as its inputs and marks a key as dirty if any of the hashers says that it is dirty. Basically it is an or
for hashers.
local COMBINED_DIRTY = require "build.hashers.combined-dirty"
local Hasher = COMBINED_DIRTY (...)
local hasher = Hasher.create_combined_hashers(...)
In the first call, the arguments to the COMBINED_DIRTY
functor must be the structures of all the hashers to combine. In the second call, the arguments to the create_combined_hashers()
function must be all the instances of the hashers in the same order than the structures.
For example, let’s combine the mtime and the sha1 hashers to create a new hasher that considers a file dirty if either its SHA1 hash or its modification time have changed.
local Posix_File_System = require "build.file-systems.posix"
local COMBINED_DIRTY = require "build.hashers.combined-dirty"
local Sha1_Hasher = require "build.hashers.sha1" (Posix_File_System)
local Mtime_Hasher = require "build.hashers.mtime" (Posix_File_System)
local Combined_Hasher = COMBINED_DIRTY(Sha1_Hasher, Mtime_Hasher)
local fs =
local sha1_hasher = Sha1_Hasher.create(fs)
local mtime_hasher = Mtime_Hasher.create(fs)
local combined_hasher = Combined_Hasher.create_combined_hashers(sha1_hasher, mtime_hasher)
-- Use `combined_hasher` freely